• The Most Expensive Dog Breeds

    It is well known that each breed of dog tends to have certain health problems more common to that breed. This is probably due to genetics. As canine DNA is studied, it is hoped that we can eventually develop genetic tests for early detection and possible prevention of these diseases. In the meantime,

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  • Fatal Rabies Disease is Preventable

    Pets need to be vaccinated to prevent against rabies. Rabies is a fatal viral zoonosis and veterinarians believe that all mammals are susceptible to it. This disease puts the public at risk and prevention measures are urged. Rabies is transmitted through saliva. It enters the body of person or pet through

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  • Chronic Pain in Pets

    It's hard to see your pet in pain day after day, particularly if your formerly energetic friend has now become lethargic and withdrawn due to a health condition or disease. Unfortunately, pets suffer from chronic pain just like people do. Learning about types of chronic pain and treatments can help you keep your pet more comfortable.

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