• Are You Leaving Your Pet Alone?

    Many of us can't stay home with our pets all day long, but that doesn't mean you can't have a happy dog or cat. As with children, quality can help make up for lack of quantity, according to animal behaviorist and CALLING ALL PETS host Patricia "Trisha" McConnell. "What's really important is what happens

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  • Do Cats Really Love Milk?

    Cats, unlike dogs, are true carnivores which means they thrive on meat only diets and require no vegetable, grain, or dairy supplementation. Cows milk is not recommended for cats because it can be too rich for their digestive systems. This is because most cats can't digest milk properly because it contains

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  • A Great Tool for Pet Owners

    Apps for Smart Phones Of the 1.3 million apps available, at least a few are related to pets!   One is the Whistle Activity Monitor which is a device that attaches to a dog's collar, and has an app to monitor the dog's daily activity. It also can chart food and medications, and can be

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