• Basic Dog Training

    Although there are various techniques used to train dogs, the basics of any training regime are consistency and plenty of exercise. Discipline and affection are also key to a well-trained dog. Dogs need a leader - they feel more confident with a leader. If their owner is not the leader, they will take

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  • Assisting Anxious Pets

    Pet anxiety can be a huge problem for pets and their families. Being home alone for several hours a day while their humans are at school or work can cause separation anxiety. Thunderstorms and fireworks can also really panic pets. Some pets are so anxious that any new situation (car trips, moving, unexpected

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  • Does Your Dog Suffer From Anxiety?

    Anxious dogs tend to act out in ways their people do not like. If you have ever returned home to discover shredded pillows or bite marks on your front door, you are probably familiar with the consequences of anxiety. Understanding why your dog is anxious is the key to helping your dog overcome this common problem.

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